Sunday 10 March 2013

Earn money by shortening url | url earn money- $100 per day

If to earn money by shortening url is what you are looking for then you are in the right place. Here you will get the list of url shortener that you can use to earn more than $100 per day. Not just $100, with this site you can easily automate your earnings for over 5 years and still counting.

Which url shortening sites am I talking about?

Linkbucks and adfly!

They they are the only trusted sites you can use to shorten your url and earn money for a long time without fear of scam for they have been paying their members for over 12 years now.

How it works
url shortening websites are service that help to shorten your link and place a code in it so you can earn money Every time somebody clicks on it. For example, if you register and submit your url with linkbucks or Adfly, it will be shorten and a code will be place on it so that whenever somebody clicks on the url, the code will show an ad or advert from their advertisers for ten seconds before automatically redirecting them to the url destination page. Or they can click "skip ad" to quickly get to the page. You visitors will still go where you want them to go and you earn still earn money each time there is a click on the url.

Big companies pay these url shorteners to place their companies ad on their the short url in order to advertise their product and services while url shorteners any you commission for helping them advertise the company by spreading their shorten url.

Website where you can earn money by shortening url

Adfly is url shortener service where you can earn money by shortening url. They are legit and have been online for the past 8 years. They have other ways you can earn money with them apart from short url. The payment method is paypal, liberty reserve and payoneer

linkbucks is another url shortening Service where you can earn money by shortening your url. Linkbucks is legit and have been paying their members for the past 12 years. They have three ways you can earn money with them such as shortening url, content locker url and referral program. Content locker url is a url that shows a small survey which a clicker must fill out before they be able to download your content or get to your destination page. The payment method is paypal, payza, liberty reserve and payoneer


How to earn money by shortening url? You can earn more than $100 per day if you post your short url on YouTube, Facebook, twiter, forums and your personal blog or website.

If I could earn at least $100 per day on YouTube alone then you can earn more than that if you utilize the above mention social media websites.


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