Sunday 10 March 2013

shorten link tips and tricks- url shorteners tips and tricks

Tips and tricks|make money ($50) per day with links|url shorteners. If you have being looking for tips and tricks on how to make money online with shorten links, you are in the right place. These Tips and tricks am about to show you are what I used to make more than $100 per day consistently. If you apply it and do not make at least $100 per day then come back to this lens and I will personally pay you $50 as a compensation for wasting your time in reading this.

Link shorteners are services where you are paid to shorten your links. For example, when you register at the link shortener site and submit your link, any link, it will be shorten and a code added to the it so that when somebody clicks on it the code will display an ad or advert from their advertisers for 10 seconds before redirecting him to the destination page. You are paid every time there is a click on the shorten link.

How it works

Visit or linkbucks to register and confirm your email. Now you are good to go!

How to make money with links on Youtube
Go to youtube and register an account if you have not registered one yet, and update you’re your profile. Then create a short but nice video, make it look professional because if you don’t nobody will want to click your link. Then upload the video and title it with an attractive title, for example, “world most wanted video” etc. then go to adfly or linkbucks and shorten your links, any link but the full video link will be better.
Copy the new generated links and post it on the video description box directing people to click on it to visit the full video. It is better to link to the full video so they can keep coming back to click on you link for another round of view, their trust is also at stake here. Note: you must upload an attractive video, usually adult videos. But make sure you register at linkbucks because Adfly does not accept adult content.

You are paid more than $5.00 per 1000 clicks on your link and I have seen videos that have about 200k – 1 million views on youtube per day. Let assume you have about 20000 views per day, that automatically earns you $100 per day. This is the least you can get on a nice and popular video. If you upload more attractive video then you will hit thousands of dollars per day.

Facebook tip and tricks
Facebook tip is a little bit difficult than youtube. In facebook you must make sure you have a lot of fans on your fan page or more facebook friends. Then search on google for an attractive article, video or e book. Copy the website link where you found the article or ebook and shorten it at adfly or linkbuck , then copy then new generated link and post it on your fan page or facebook profile status saying: “ Special gift to my friends. If you will love to lose weight in 2 weeks then click here=> adfly/sgas and download this wonderful weight loss ebook”. The more they click on that link the more money you make. You can even abandon the link there and continue making money from it for years!

Forum tip and tricks
If you are very good in commenting on popular forums then this tip is for you. Just remember to put your short link in your forum signature. The more comment you make the more people will click on your link to know more about you and the more money you make. If your short link is about a downloading link let them know but don’t spam because they will not hesitate to kick you out of the forum.

Make money with links on your Website or blog
If you have a large number of visitors to your blog or website then this tip is for you. Instead of writing an ebook and ask visitors to buy, buy the ebook with a reselling right or write an ebook and then upload it and shorten the downloading link at adfly or linkbucks. Linkbuck has another special way you can earn money such as “contain locker link”. It shows a small survey which your visitors must fill out before they can be able to download the ebook. You are paid $0.8-$1.00 per survey your visitor completed before downloading your ebook. So you can either use the content locker link or shorten link, the choice is yours. The trick here is that not every visitor will want to buy your ebook but all of them can complete a small survey to download it for free, remember everybody loves freebies!

However, if 100 visitors out of 10,000 can buy your ebook then 9,000 visitors will complete a small survey just to download that particular ebook for free. Let assume the ebook is worth $10, then 10x100=1000. You make sales of $1000 including the affiliate commission as an affiliate marketer. But if you are to buy the ebook with a reselling right or the writer and 9,000 people complete a small survey that worth at least $0.80 to download it. That is: $0.80 x 9000= 7200. That gives you $7200 per day, more than what you will earn if you decide to sale. It’s as simple as that!

Once again if you try these tips and tricks on how to make money with shorten links and do not hit at least $100 per day come back to this lens, I will personally pay you $100 as a compensation for wasting your time reading this article.

Hey, before you rush and start shortening your links please leave a comment below. shorten link tips


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